© Klara Vith, Florian Wupperfeld, Caroline Nevejan

Social is local

There is a new way to make cities better by creating more impact on the local, neighbourhood, or borough level, which is called CRSD at the EU level, or ESG in the financial world. The city of Amsterdam is developing a demo to show how such new collaborations can take place in a participatory and transparent way, connecting stories to measurement and back to stories again. Most cities in the EU and most of the boroughs of major cities are 120.000. This experiment is also an opportunity for smaller towns and regions. In a self-organized way, we facilitate public, private, and civic entities finding each other, forming new relations, and making cities better. The objective for private companies is to receive assessed social impact for the ESG rating.

7 Steps to a Cities DAO


City of Thessaloniki Amsterdam Glasgow city councel Willemstad Podgorice City of London
Work in progress