Windmill for K-Buurt

Supports the benchmark "Masterplan Amsterdam Zuid Oost":

Local community initiative to realize an own windmill development. Focussing on mobilizing and influencing the political decision making

EC Elvis Ruth Penuel wished for an own windmill for his neighborhood. Together with the CoForce Expertise his initiative was embrased and noticed by the local municipality council. However wishing for a windmill has huge inpact and is a process of several years. Mobilisation for ownership is the last part of the development. Elvis are frozen for now but has lead to important steps in the next phase of the realization of the project. See his video here

Within the RES procedures now approximately 5 locations are determined in SouthEast. The local council has determined that whenever the locations are known and a tender process is organized that the development must go first to local intiatives (Cooperatives) befor commercial development can be granted.

It was also determined that the finance for the developmet can be found with local enterpreneurs, like AJAX, datacenters, AMC. Windvogel als energy cooperation is locally present for further knowledge and support.

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